Pearls in Category: Shadow

Please Another (Jan 27, 2021)

Author: David McLeod

There is nothing wrong with trying to please another person. But don’t do it as a way to manipulate sentiments …

Refuse to Acknowledge (Jan 25, 2021)

Author: David McLeod

If you refuse to acknowledge a fear that shows up, you push it into the background where it becomes an …

Look Within (Dec 11, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

Your judgment of another is projection of something within yourself that you have chosen to disown. Take the opportunity to …

Love Your Fear (Dec 4, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

Love your fear. When danger is present, it prepares you for actions you need to take to keep yourself safe. …

Positive Thinking (Nov 18, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

No-one will argue about the intentional purpose behind positive thinking. However, positivity only works after subconscious negativity is brought into …

The Best Defense (Oct 30, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

Hurt and pain emerges from an idea that offense is the best defense. But the deeper illusion is that any …

Wounds are Guideposts (Sep 30, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

Whatever wounds you may have, they are all guideposts that can lead you to the life you were meant to …

Live Full Out (Sep 16, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

If you had no doubts about your safety, you would live full out and experience boundless peace, joy and love. …

Series of Programs (Aug 21, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

The ego-mind is nothing more than a series of programs—and buggy ones at that! As you realize the truth of …

Need for Control (Jul 8, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

Beware of the need for control. It is an insidious form of attachment that can turn into addiction and end …

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