Pearls in Category: Relationship
To Find Heaven (Oct 12, 2022)
No relationship is without its moments in hell. Such moments may only be discernable in hindsight. But one thing is …
Seek Only the Best (Sep 19, 2022)
Seek the worst in people and you will surely find it; this will discourage you. But seek only the best …
The True Spice of Life (Jul 22, 2022)
The most powerful nourishment you can enjoy in this life comes in the form of honest, open, and authentic interactions …
Relationships of Every Kind (Jul 11, 2022)
If you lived your life entirely alone, as if in a cave, you would never know yourself completely. You require …
Speak the Words (Jun 13, 2022)
When you love someone, speak the words. There is no valor in withholding the expression. When you say aloud what …
A Spiritual Mentor (May 30, 2022)
When choosing a spiritual mentor, choose carefully. Avoid anyone who tells you what to do. A true mentor will always …
A Total Waste of Time (Mar 21, 2022)
Stop worrying what other people think about you. It just saps your energy and makes you unhappy. Besides, It’s a …
March Squarely (Mar 7, 2022)
Every fear you avoid, every risk you refuse to take, every confrontation you shy away from is an opportunity lost. …
Fantasy and Idealism (Nov 12, 2021)
The romantic notion of a soulmate is rooted in fantasy and idealism, and will therefore never sustain you. Your desire …
Ruin or Heal? (Nov 3, 2021)
To ruin a relationship, all you have to do is keep score, hold a grudge, and stay resentful. These practices …