Pearls with Tag: Self-Expression
Relationships of Every Kind (Jul 11, 2022)
If you lived your life entirely alone, as if in a cave, you would never know yourself completely. You require …
The Song of Your Soul (Apr 27, 2022)
When you listen to the song of your soul, you dance, you paint, you sculpt, you write, you dream, you …
Unlimited Power (Jan 28, 2022)
The most courageous thing you can do is believe in yourself. Your ego-mind will find reasons that you cannot do …
Magnificent Beyond Imagination (Jan 24, 2022)
There is no reason to believe you are anything but beautiful, intelligent, warm-hearted, and magnetic. The truth is that you …
Concsiousness, Curiosity and Creativity (Dec 8, 2021)
Art, religion, science and philosophy are manifestations of human consciousness, curiosity and creativity. None is better or worse than another; …
Contraction-Expansion (Dec 3, 2021)
When you feel an emotion, you also experience a sense of contraction or expansion. Avoid making a preference, because all …
A Confident and Certain Answer (Dec 1, 2021)
Nothing is more important for your life than experiencing and expressing as much of yourself as possible. Then, at the …
Fantasy and Idealism (Nov 12, 2021)
The romantic notion of a soulmate is rooted in fantasy and idealism, and will therefore never sustain you. Your desire …
Every Perspective Matters (Oct 27, 2021)
Whoever shows up in your life provides you with a unique reflection, which helps you to see and experience yourself …
Love Your Ego-Mind (Jul 30, 2021)
Nothing keeps you from recognizing and appreciating your full potential more than nagging criticism and judgment from your ego-mind. Love …