Pearls with Tag: Desire
Sourced from Within (May 13, 2022)
Satisfying worldly desires may bring pleasure, but only temporarily. Seeking happiness externally will always fail because happiness is your true …
A Creative Engine (Oct 25, 2021)
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am a creative engine that powers the universe; the universe responds by providing me with everything …
Desires of the Heart (Sep 10, 2021)
Beware desires that arise within the mind—they may be motivated by fear, especially perceptions of lack or insufficiency. Desires of …
Boundary Violations (Jun 21, 2021)
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am grateful for my anger, which alerts me to possible boundary violations, and which connects me …
A Desire for Love (Jun 14, 2021)
All fear is a desire for love, which may seem absent in your current awareness. When something scares you, it …
To Be of Service (Apr 21, 2021)
Your heart’s desire to be of service in the world is more important than the service itself, for the desire …
Pulse of Passion (Mar 12, 2021)
Live life by heeding the constant pulse of passion that beats in your heart. It guides you in the direction …
Shadow Form of Attraction (Mar 1, 2021)
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am aware that my resistance is a shadow form of attraction, so I release my resistance …
Desire, Need, Addiction (Sep 2, 2020)
When a desire evolves into a need, you may become attached to having that need met, and in time the …
Forms of Attachment (Jul 17, 2020)
Desires, preferences, wants and addictions are forms of attachment that contribute to the illusion of lack—a fear-based concept that leads …