Pearls with Tag: Creativity

Concsiousness, Curiosity and Creativity (Dec 8, 2021)

Author: David McLeod

Art, religion, science and philosophy are manifestations of human consciousness, curiosity and creativity. None is better or worse than another; …

A Creative Engine (Oct 25, 2021)

Author: David McLeod

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am a creative engine that powers the universe; the universe responds by providing me with everything …

Hardiness and Resilience (Oct 1, 2021)

Author: David McLeod

By embracing innate hardiness and resilience, you can transcend the limitations of your existing beliefs. With devoted practice, you will …

Creative Ripple-Maker (Aug 23, 2021)

Author: David McLeod

You are a creative ripple-maker. Everything you think, say, do, and feel creates a ripple that spans across all time …

Your Creative Gift (Aug 9, 2021)

Author: David McLeod

As a creative being of light and love, you have a unique power to bring consciousness and healing into everything …

Transform Yourself (Jul 14, 2021)

Author: David McLeod

Some situations defy your efforts to change them. Stop trying so hard! Release your attachment to a particular outcome, alter …

Engaging Creativity (Jun 28, 2021)

Author: David McLeod

If you find a flaw in something, go ahead and offer feedback. But don’t simply complain; that just lowers the …

Equanimity and Creativity (Jun 9, 2021)

Author: David McLeod

Success and failure have little to do with events, conditions and circumstances, and much to do with attitude. Bring a …

Transformational Being (Mar 17, 2021)

Author: David McLeod

You are a transformational being empowered to create your own reality. Every cycle of your vibration generates a pulse of …

No Accidents (Jan 15, 2021)

Author: David McLeod

There are no accidents or coincidences, only effects and expressions that emerge out of intentional creativity. When something unexpected arrives, …

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Life Mastery Pearls
Consciousness Curiosity Creativity
A Creative Engine
Hardiness and Resilience
Creative Ripple-Maker
Your Creative Gift
Transform Yourself
Engaging Creativity
Equanimity and Creativity
Transformational Being
No Accidents