Pearls in Category: Shadow

Worthiness or Entitlement? (Feb 5, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

People who translate worthiness into entitlement are doomed to disappointment. The Universe doesn’t owe anyone anything, and cannot be manipulated …

Healing Shadows (Jan 27, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am excited and grateful to have the continual opportunity to discover, illuminate, love, heal and integrate …

False Persona (Jan 16, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

When you put on a mask to hide some part of yourself, the only person you’re fooling is yourself. Most …

Hearty Belly Laugh (Jan 11, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

No matter how hard you try to hide your shadow parts, they will always find a way to show up …

Externalized Projection (Jan 7, 2020)

Author: David McLeod

Every judgment you have about another is an externalized projection of something you may not wish to acknowledge about yourself. …

Fear of Change (Dec 13, 2019)

Author: David McLeod

Fear of change is almost always just fear of what the future will bring. But the future doesn’t exist—except in …

Every Fear (Dec 3, 2019)

Author: David McLeod

Every fear you can imagine boils down to one thing: fear of separation from Love. But your true essence IS …

Peace and Fulfillment (Nov 27, 2019)

Author: David McLeod

Do you derive some form of satisfaction from your resentment, self-pity, or anger? If you persist in making space for …

Whatever You Believe (Nov 16, 2019)

Author: David McLeod

Whatever you believe is true for you, even if it is actually incorrect, illogical, or completely false. Review your beliefs …

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