Pearls with Tag: Identity
Open and Receptive (Nov 18, 2022)
The Universe loves you—even when you don’t love it back. It constantly brings you blessings that support and nurture your …
Dedicated Focus (Nov 2, 2022)
Dedication is a primary ingredient of integrity. When you are clear about who you are and why you are here, …
Imagine & Create Reality (Oct 31, 2022)
You are more powerful than you think. You are a vibrational, spiritual being capable of imagining and creating reality whenever …
An Authentic Leader (Oct 21, 2022)
To be an authentic leader, embrace the truth of who you are without explanation or apology, and show up in …
Talents, Strengths, and Values (Oct 17, 2022)
You know your talents, strengths, and values—they are expressions of your true nature. Bring them into focused awareness and allow …
Fear Ceases to Exist (Sep 23, 2022)
When you are fully aligned with your divine purpose for being, everything you think, say, do and feel is charged …
Meditate Frequently (Jun 3, 2022)
Meditation always leads you back to the truth of who you really are and renews your ineffable connection with Universal …
Never Really Lost (May 25, 2022)
You cannot find yourself, because you are never really lost. However, in the beguiling face of illusory worldly concerns, you …
How Big? (May 18, 2022)
How big is your dream? Too small, and you won’t accomplish anything. Too big, and you’ll be overwhelmed and intimidated. …
Appreciate its Worth (May 11, 2022)
Life is neither hard nor easy; it simply is. Every experience reflects who you have chosen to be in that …