Latest Pearls

Peace, Creation, and Life

The ultimate expression of wide-spread unchecked ego-mind is war, destruction, and death. You need not participate—your true essence prefers a path of love. Soothe your ego-mind and choose to manifest peace, creation, and life.



Excellence is available to anyone in any field of endeavor. You need patience, practice, integrity, and discipline. But the most important ingredient is a willingness to assume full responsibility for all your choices and the outcomes they produce.

A Path of Mastery

A Path of Mastery

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am on a path of Mastery, and I continually welcome new learnings that propel me along that path.

Don’t Clutch

Don’t Clutch

Don’t clutch to your physical possessions. The more you hold on, the more they become like anchors that lock you in place and prevent you from receiving something new. Be willing to release yourself into the exquisite experience of abundance.

Pay Attention!

Pay Attention!

When we think of awareness in the physical world, we usually think of the five senses. But true spiritual awareness comes from beyond these senses. Your soul speaks to you through the power of your intuition. Pay attention and listen carefully.

Where the Heart Dwells

Where the Heart Dwells

A heart that dwells in abundance and prosperity overflows with love and generosity. It spreads goodwill, healing and light wherever it goes. It shares its bounty with everyone. It swells with expansive life. Reflect: where does your heart dwell?



Hindsight provides excellent perspective for learning, especially from mistakes. But too much hindsight can keep you looking backwards—towards the past. To make progress and move ahead in your life, you must watch where you are going!

Giving Up

Giving Up

Giving up is not always undesirable. Sooner or later, you will give up a job or a bad habit or an unachievable goal—in which case, new opportunities will soon appear. But never give up or compromise the truth of who you are.

Perfect Love

Perfect Love

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am a perfect expression of perfect love.

A Lesson to be Learned

A Lesson to be Learned

When something unpleasant shows up repeatedly in your life, it’s because there is a lesson to be learned, and you are resisting its wisdom. Pay attention and open your heart! It will move on when you accept its gift.

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