Latest Pearls
Helpful or Meddlesome?
There’s a fine line between “helpful” and “meddlesome”. Unless you are faced with a life-and-death situation, it is usually best to inquire if help is wanted before stepping in. Then, with permission, extend your helping hand generously.
Unpleasant Feelings
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am grateful for unpleasant feelings, because they point to ways in which I am out of alignment with my Soul’s purpose, and thus help me to make course corrections.
Failure is Feedback
Failure is feedback, nothing more. It tells you when one approach does not produce the desired outcome, and often includes information that points to potential alternate solutions. Pay attention to the feedback and move closer to success.
Please Another
There is nothing wrong with trying to please another person. But don’t do it as a way to manipulate sentiments or obtain approval—that is your shadow at work. Instead, do it out of a true and authentic expression of who you really are.
Refuse to Acknowledge
If you refuse to acknowledge a fear that shows up, you push it into the background where it becomes an unconscious limiting belief. Choose instead to illuminate and dissolve your fears, and step more fully into self-expression.
Absence of Miracles
In the absence of miracles, life seems pointless, bland and empty. But if everything is a miracle, then all aspects of life are infused with color, wonder, passion, and love. A shift in perspective is all it takes to choose the latter.
Pursuit of Happiness
It is a mistake to believe that happiness is something to be pursued. It is your birthright and your natural state, often hidden by the agenda of your ego-mind. Quiet the ego-mind and happiness emerges like the sun from behind a cloud.
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am thrilled to be expanding moment by moment into the full and complete expression of who I really am.
No Accidents
There are no accidents or coincidences, only effects and expressions that emerge out of intentional creativity. When something unexpected arrives, reflect upon how and why you manifested it. Then welcome the gifts it brings.