Latest Pearls

Peace, Creation, and Life

The ultimate expression of wide-spread unchecked ego-mind is war, destruction, and death. You need not participate—your true essence prefers a path of love. Soothe your ego-mind and choose to manifest peace, creation, and life.

Equanimity and Creativity

Equanimity and Creativity

Success and failure have little to do with events, conditions and circumstances, and much to do with attitude. Bring a growth mindset to everything, be open to possibilities, and respond to all situations with equanimity and creativity.

Here to There

Here to There

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am forever on a journey from here to there, and I pause frequently to enjoy where I am now.

Someone’s Recommendation

Someone’s Recommendation

Do you ever chase something you don’t really want because of someone’s recommendation? This is not the path to happiness! Unless you honor who you really are, the chase will be fruitless, and you will find yourself on an endless quest.

Sages and Gurus

Sages and Gurus

Knowledge, truth, and wisdom are not the private domain of sages and gurus. They are available to everyone. If you approach each question with authentic curiosity and an open heart, the Universe will answer.

Release Your Attachment

Release Your Attachment

If you struggle to achieve a goal, perhaps you are attached to a specific outcome. Release your attachment and focus attention on showing up authentically and making a difference in the world. Achieving the goal will happen naturally.

The “What-If Game”

The “What-If Game”

Since you like to play the “what-if game”, try this. What if it didn’t matter what happened or what outcome took place? Could you be centered and grounded regardless? Can you imagine the serenity and calmness that might ensue?

Resisting a Choice

Resisting a Choice

Sometimes, you will find yourself resisting a choice. Rather than giving an immediate “No”, feel into the situation to see if there is any room for a possible “Yes”. If so, negotiation may bring you to a place of enthusiastic acceptance.

Generational Wisdom

Generational Wisdom

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am the beneficiary of ageless generational wisdom, which I share abundantly with those who follow behind me.

Approach Each Struggle

Approach Each Struggle

Any struggle you encounter may be difficult, arduous, or even painful to endure. But despite the pain, it will invariably provide you with gifts and blessings. If you can remember that, perhaps you can approach each struggle with optimism.

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