Latest Pearls
You can’t always have what you want, and even if you could, you probably still wouldn’t be satisfied. Satisfaction doesn’t come from what you do or what you have. Satisfaction comes from knowing and experiencing who you really are.
Engaging Creativity
If you find a flaw in something, go ahead and offer feedback. But don’t simply complain; that just lowers the energy. Instead, raise the energy by engaging creativity to propose an alternate approach or offer an idea for a solution.
Refusing VS Resisting
Refusing is not the same as resisting. When something shows up in your life that doesn’t serve you, don’t resist it. Instead, simply refuse to grant it permission to be present. Invite it to leave. Set your boundaries and honor them.
Spiritual Evolution
Your actions and choices pale in value compared to your spiritual growth. Your “doingness” merely reflects who you are right now; your spiritual evolution, however, elevates collective consciousness and uplifts the world.
Boundary Violations
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am grateful for my anger, which alerts me to possible boundary violations, and which connects me to what I really desire in my life.
A Slave to Action
Do not become a slave to action; sometimes stillness is a more desirable choice. Let the truth of who you are inform everything you think, say, do and feel. Choose all actions intentionally, with full awareness of the present moment.
Thistles in the Garden
Disempowering thoughts are like thistles that grow in your garden; they choke out life-affirming thoughts. Renewal comes from digging them out by the roots, energizing the soil, and planting new thoughts that empower you.
A Desire for Love
All fear is a desire for love, which may seem absent in your current awareness. When something scares you, it may just be reminding you to stay connected to the love that is already within you. After all, you ARE love!
A Powerless Victim
Pain happens to everyone. When you hold onto pain, you will come to believe you have been wounded, which may lead you to see yourself as a powerless victim. Release the pain, heal yourself, and retain your power.