Latest Pearls

Peace, Creation, and Life

The ultimate expression of wide-spread unchecked ego-mind is war, destruction, and death. You need not participate—your true essence prefers a path of love. Soothe your ego-mind and choose to manifest peace, creation, and life.

Nothing is Impossible

Nothing is Impossible

Nothing is impossible except in the context of a limited and dysfunctional belief system. If you review and adjust your beliefs from time to time, you will minimize self-limitation and discover all kinds of possibilities for spiritual evolution.

Limiting Beliefs

Limiting Beliefs

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am grateful for my limiting beliefs, because they remind me to step beyond my comfort zone and into the fullness of who I really am.

Love the Sinner

Love the Sinner

You may have heard the admonition to “love the sinner, hate the sin”. The truth is there is no value in hating anything—except perhaps to satisfy an immature ego-mind. Embrace compassion and forgiveness, and be guided by love.

Transform Yourself

Transform Yourself

Some situations defy your efforts to change them. Stop trying so hard! Release your attachment to a particular outcome, alter your perspective, embrace the challenge, and allow your natural creativity to transform yourself instead.

Absolute Truth

Absolute Truth

You may not know Absolute Truth, but you always know what is true for you. By speaking your own truth, you liberate yourself and encourage others to do the same. When everyone speaks their truth, we all get closer to Absolute Truth.

Blame VS Responsibility

Blame VS Responsibility

Taking blame and taking responsibility are not the same thing. In one case, you victimize and punish yourself for something you may or may not have done. In the other case, you empower yourself to rise up and grow from your mistakes.

Energetic Response

Energetic Response

It makes no sense to avoid your feelings! They are simply energetic responses to what is happening around you. Stay present, aware, and vulnerable, and feel everything as deeply as possible. Then welcome the amazing gifts that emerge.

Uninhibited Expression

Uninhibited Expression

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am spontaneous in the uninhibited expression of unconditional love towards all beings.

To Enrich a Relationship

To Enrich a Relationship

It is wise to pause before giving in to the temptation to point out a flaw in someone. To enrich the relationship, find at least two qualities or aspects of that flaw that you love and appreciate. Share those instead.

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Life Mastery Pearls
Nothing is Impossible
Limiting Beliefs
Love the Sinner
Transform Yourself
Absolute Truth
Blame VS Responsibility
Energetic Response
Uninhibited Expression
To Enrich a Relationship
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