Latest Pearls
Variations & Limitations
Don’t limit yourself by believing that you can only create variations or imitations of what has come before. In truth, you have a boundless ability to create, so open your imagination to the callings of your soul and marvel at your creation.
Enthusiastic YES!
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am an enthusiastic YES to everything, for this is the intention of my Soul.
False Empathy
What value is there in sharing or enduring someone else’s suffering? It is little more than false empathy; it serves no-one. True compassion empowers you to recognize the suffering of others and to help them find their own way out of it.
Appear Fearless
Fearlessness is an imaginary state. Like it or not, some things in life may trigger fear within you. If you embrace courage, you can stand in the presence of any fear and appear fearless to others. Courage: that is the armor of love.
Just as Important
You are one with All-That-Is. As such, you are just as important as anyone else! And your reason for being—your purpose—is also just as important as every other purpose. So honor yourself and engage your purpose enthusiastically.
Acknowledge Your Gift
Don’t brag about your genius, and don’t be defined or limited by it. But don’t hide it either! Acknowledge your gift honestly and allow it to reflect the truth of who you are: a manifestation of divinity with a boundless desire to create.
Restrictive Self-Limitation
“Should”, “must”, “have to”, and similar phrases are signals from an ego-mind that is trying to control you. Free yourself from such restrictive self-limitations and live instead from an empowered place of conscious choice.
Loving Guidance
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am confident in the loving guidance of my true feelings and my inner voice.
Don’t Become the Story
You HAVE a story about your life, full of lessons that you are encouraged to share. But don’t BECOME the story, because then you will be trapped in it. Release it and free yourself—and make space for exciting new chapters to be written.