Latest Pearls

Peace, Creation, and Life

The ultimate expression of wide-spread unchecked ego-mind is war, destruction, and death. You need not participate—your true essence prefers a path of love. Soothe your ego-mind and choose to manifest peace, creation, and life.

In Your Own Way

In Your Own Way

The most important rule for living a fulfilled life is to live it in your own way and on your own terms. To do otherwise—even in the interests of the “common good”—is to abdicate your sovereignty, and that is a road to misery.

March Squarely

March Squarely

Every fear you avoid, every risk you refuse to take, every confrontation you shy away from is an opportunity lost. You may live a day longer, but it will be empty. If you want fulfillment, grab your courage and march squarely into life.



Optimism is a miraculous magnetic and creative tool that everyone has access to. It doesn’t just shift your perspective so things appear better. It actually energizes you in a way that attracts more of what you really want in your life.

Don’t Linger on Flaws

Don’t Linger on Flaws

What is a flaw but a temporary point of focus observed in a particular moment? When the moment passes, focus widens and holistic perfection returns to view. Don’t linger on flaws! Raise your awareness and behold the whole beautiful picture.

Fully Empowered

Fully Empowered

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am fully empowered as the observer, contemplator, and chooser of my every thought in every moment.

Creating Reality

Creating Reality

Deepen your awareness and understanding of yourself as a vibrational, transformational being, and embrace your natural power to create your own reality. Lovingly allow your clarity and passion to inform all your choices and actions.

A Good Winner

A Good Winner

In any contest, there are many losers and one winner. It is easy to be a good loser because you are not alone. But to be a good winner requires conscious effort. When you win, stay humble, stay grounded, and stay in grace.

A Blissful Emptiness

A Blissful Emptiness

When you elevate above simple physicality and move into pure spirituality, there arises a blissful emptiness that defies description. Within that emptiness, a miracle occurs: you truly appreciate the awesome nature of unlimited possibility.



Do not mistake meekness for weakness. To be meek is to be gentle, merciful, and free of haughty pride. It is a form of compassionate humility that brings love and healing to the world. It is an authentically powerful skill to practice and master.

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