Latest Pearls

Peace, Creation, and Life

The ultimate expression of wide-spread unchecked ego-mind is war, destruction, and death. You need not participate—your true essence prefers a path of love. Soothe your ego-mind and choose to manifest peace, creation, and life.

A Greater Adventure

A Greater Adventure

Can you think of any greater adventure than life itself? And yet, must it be adventurous in every single moment? Be grateful for moments of stillness, quiet and darkness; without them you cannot appreciate action, vibration and illumination.

Creator of my Life

Creator of my Life

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am the creator of my life, and I humbly take full responsibility for all of it.

Source of Suffering

Source of Suffering

Suffering is a result of ignorance: you suffer because you have forgotten the truth of who you are. Release your ego and its claims to knowledge, and recognize that authentic wisdom comes from the soul, where your true essence resides.

Reflect Compassiontately

Reflect Compassiontately

When the outcomes of your choice are clear, reflect compassionately. If your intentions were pure, celebrate and learn from any mistake. If they were impure, gently correct yourself, bring yourself back into alignment, and choose anew.

A Total Waste of Time

A Total Waste of Time

Stop worrying what other people think about you. It just saps your energy and makes you unhappy. Besides, It’s a total waste of time because the truth is most people are too busy with their own problems to think about you at all!

Coping Strategies

Coping Strategies

Most unconscious behaviors are learned as coping strategies devised by your ego-mind. As you become aware of them and see that they no longer serve you, replace them with new behaviors that lovingly empower and support you.

When You are Ready

When You are Ready

It is said that fulfillment comes from rising one more time than you fall. But sometimes you need a break, and the seated position offers a valuable perspective! So enjoy your rest, learn from the situation, and rise when you are ready.

One with All

One with All

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am unique and special, and at the same time I am One with All.

An Instance of NOW

An Instance of NOW

Every moment is an opportunity to experience something new. Let it teach you and shape you and expand you. Embrace it with love and gratitude, for it is an instance of NOW that will never happen in the same way again.

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