Latest Pearls

Peace, Creation, and Life

The ultimate expression of wide-spread unchecked ego-mind is war, destruction, and death. You need not participate—your true essence prefers a path of love. Soothe your ego-mind and choose to manifest peace, creation, and life.

Blue Pill or Red Pill?

Blue Pill or Red Pill?

Blue Pill or Red Pill? Illusion or Truth? Ignorance or Wisdom? Which path will lead to the richest and most fulfilling experiences of life? The question answers itself, but you must choose consciously and deliberately in every moment.

Kissing Cousins

Kissing Cousins

Fear and chaos are kissing cousins. Each feeds upon the other until there is a tempest in the mind. But fear doesn’t like peace and quiet. Therefore, to keep fear at bay, commune with the peaceful soul and cultivate serenity and grace.

New Moments Ahead

New Moments Ahead

No matter where you are in any given moment, it is just a waypoint on your continuing journey. Honor and bless it, for it will never appear again in this exact form. You have an infinite number of new moments ahead—enjoy them all!

Your Next Lesson

Your Next Lesson

Learning is a process that moves you from one level of understanding to another. The process seems difficult while it’s happening, but after you reach the new level, you remember it as easy! Keep this in mind for your next lesson.

Aware of My Beliefs

Aware of My Beliefs

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am always aware of my beliefs and how they impact the world; I review, challenge and update them regularly.

To Be More Likable

To Be More Likable

To be more likable, start by liking yourself. This will motivate you to cultivate attractive characteristics, which in turn will inspire you to like other people. Thus, the more attractive you will become and the more people will like you.

What You Believe In

What You Believe In

You are a lot braver than you think! You have already answered difficult challenges and overcome fearsome obstacles to get where you are today. Acknowledge and accept your courage as it is, knowing that you’ll always stand for what you believe in.

Untempered Ambition

Untempered Ambition

Untempered ambition can be treacherous. You forget your connection and see others as obstacles to be obliterated. This creates resentment and hatred in your wake. Temper ambition generously with compassion, and your journey will be much more enjoyable.

The Peace in Your Heart

The Peace in Your Heart

When you sit in silence and observe the activity of your ego-mind without judgment, you can learn a great deal. Notice what it focuses on: it seeks safety, even when there is no risk present. Be thankful and enjoy the peace in your heart.

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