Latest Pearls

Peace, Creation, and Life

The ultimate expression of wide-spread unchecked ego-mind is war, destruction, and death. You need not participate—your true essence prefers a path of love. Soothe your ego-mind and choose to manifest peace, creation, and life.



Vulnerability only scares you until you fully understand it! Understanding comes from implementation and devoted practice. It is well worth the effort, because increased mastery of vulnerability magnifies the presence of love in your life.

Essential Truth

Essential Truth

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am aware when my shadow parts distract me, and I move naturally toward the essential truth of who I am.

Here and Now

Here and Now

Why dwell on the past or worry about the future? One has already happened and the other is merely an illusion of the imagination. Truth and reality only exist in the here and now. Focus your attention there, and live in the moment.

Luck is a Trick

Luck is a Trick

Luck is a trick of the ego-mind. Any event can seem “lucky” when perceived from the proper perspective. Benefits are not always obvious when the event first happens. Hindsight invites you to count your blessings.

Speak the Words

Speak the Words

When you love someone, speak the words. There is no valor in withholding the expression. When you say aloud what is in your heart, you magnify yourself and elevate the other person as well. I love you. There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?



In the face of unpleasantness, ask “For what purpose did I invite this situation?” It requires willingness to take responsibility for your life. It also invites wisdom for the next part of your journey. It is a powerful form of introspection.

More Compassion

More Compassion

It may seem difficult to consider yourself as one with everyone around you—at least according to the ego-mind. Instead, imagine everyone as a brother or sister! The ego-mind objects less, which allows you to treat people with more compassion.

Grow in Value

Grow in Value

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am delighted to appreciate everything about my life, for as I appreciate, I grow in value, and so does my life.

Meditate Frequently

Meditate Frequently

Meditation always leads you back to the truth of who you really are and renews your ineffable connection with Universal Spirit. Meditate frequently, and choose to remind yourself that you are One with All-That-Is.

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