Latest Pearls
Sunglasses and Chamomile Tea
If people suggest that you shine too brightly, thank them for the compliment and invite them to raise their vibration. If comments become complaints, offer them sunglasses and chamomile tea. But never dim your light to make them happy.
Relationships of Every Kind
If you lived your life entirely alone, as if in a cave, you would never know yourself completely. You require relationships of every kind in order to express and experience the fullness of who you really are. Cherish and revere all relationships.
Mental Interpretation
Meaning is nothing more than mental interpretation, invariably filtered through perspectives, beliefs, and conditioning. Everything is what it is, and doesn’t require interpretation. Accept everything, and the need for meaning dissolves.
To-Do Lists
To-do lists often serve no useful purpose. They become repositories of empty dreams and unfulfilled wishes. They take on a life of their own, while insisting that we keep adding to them. Liberate yourself! Do not become a slave to your to-do list.
Gain that Follows
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am open to the gain that follows every loss I experience.
Choose Who to Love
If you believe you must choose who to love, start here. Love those who treat you right. Love them deeply, with all your heart, even if they are distant. Then love those who treat you wrong; they’re the ones who really need it.
Life Simply IS
Life has no inherent meaning of its own. Life simply is. It is neither good nor bad, right nor wrong, difficult nor easy. Those are just judgments you place on various events and circumstances. Release yourself, and let yourself flow with life.
Creative Superpower
Initiative is a creative superpower—it activates your innate ability to create from nothing. Close your eyes, take several deep breaths, and visualize your creation. Then follow up with inspired action, and marvel at the results.
Meaningful Promises
The promises of the physical world are empty, hollow, and meaningless. They will never bring you lasting fulfillment. Trustworthy and meaningful promises come from your Soul, as direct messages from All-That-Is. Listen carefully for these nuggets!