Latest Pearls

Peace, Creation, and Life

The ultimate expression of wide-spread unchecked ego-mind is war, destruction, and death. You need not participate—your true essence prefers a path of love. Soothe your ego-mind and choose to manifest peace, creation, and life.

The Greatest Magnificence

The Greatest Magnificence

The universe teems with amazing beauty, which is meant to be enjoyed by all your physical senses. Enthusiastically embrace the gifts that exist outside of yourself. But never forget that the greatest magnificence will always be found within.

Highest Possible Regard

Highest Possible Regard

How would you behave, how would your life change, if you knew that everyone had only the highest possible regard for you? Can you bring that level of reverence to others? To yourself? If you do, you become unstoppable.

To Say Yes to Yourself

To Say Yes to Yourself

You have boundaries for a reason. When you find yourself doing something that violates your own boundaries, it’s a warning that you are not loving yourself. To say YES to yourself, you may need to say NO to someone or something else.

Bless Your Luck

Bless Your Luck

Always bless and appreciate your good luck whenever it arrives, and be grateful for it. But never curse your bad luck, because you never know the worse luck it may have protected you from!

Innumerable Opportunities

Innumerable Opportunities

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am blessed with innumerable opportunities to love my enemy—particularly the enemy within.

Cross the Finish Line

Cross the Finish Line

Procrastination cannot exist in an atmosphere of courage. As soon as you commit to inspired action—even if it is imperfect or ill informed—your procrastination will yield to momentum. Just keep moving, and you’ll cross the finish line.

A Spiritual Miracle

A Spiritual Miracle

Harmony is a spiritual miracle, a space in which unique melodies coexist and create grace and beauty. You are such a melody, and you deserve to ring throughout the universe. Join the chorus, share your uniqueness, and contribute to a miracle.

Never Settle for Mediocrity

Never Settle for Mediocrity

Never settle for mediocrity. You are a boundless being of light and love: embrace your true nature and bring it all to every situation. No matter what, be grateful! Deliver your best; learn from your mistakes; cherish your experiences.

Your True Essence

Your True Essence

The ego-mind will chide you, shame you, cajole you and berate you—anything to control you—all in the name of safety. You can listen and obey… and slowly disappear. Or you can silence the voice, rise into your True Essence, and be free.

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