Latest Pearls
Bypass the Fear
If something seems difficult to accomplish, you might dismiss it as impossible. But is it really impossible, or are you just distracted by a fearful ego-mind? Bypass the fear, keep your heart and mind open, and new possibilities will appear.
Unlimited Creativity
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am always in the flow of unlimited creativity, which liberates me and unlocks my true potential.
An Authentic Leader
To be an authentic leader, embrace the truth of who you are without explanation or apology, and show up in that truth wherever you go. Be the kind of empowering and supportive example you yourself would follow.
Transcend the Ego-Mind
If you wish to increase your level of consciousness, you must elevate yourself beyond the limits of your ego-mind. Transcend the ego-mind, soar on the wings of your boundless soul, and reach heights you haven’t yet imagined.
Talents, Strengths, and Values
You know your talents, strengths, and values—they are expressions of your true nature. Bring them into focused awareness and allow them to guide you in every choice. You will have fewer regrets and life will be more fulfilling.
Your Inner Light
Ignorance is like a cloud obscuring the sun. It casts a shadow and hides the truth, but the truth is always there. Your inner light can dissolve ignorance so that you always see the truth. Let your light shine brightly and continuously.
To Find Heaven
No relationship is without its moments in hell. Such moments may only be discernable in hindsight. But one thing is certain: a powerful and robust relationship will always manifest healing so as to find heaven on the other side.
Safe, Serene, Secure
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am always safe, serene, and secure, no matter what is happening around me.
Release that Habit
It’s time to stop finding fault with yourself, berating and criticizing yourself, negating yourself. Release that habit and embrace the truth: there is no treasure or gem or jewel anywhere that is more beautiful and precious than you.