Latest Pearls
Transformational Being
You are a transformational being empowered to create your own reality. Every cycle of your vibration generates a pulse of energy that ripples throughout the Universe, touching everything in its path. This is the seed of your creation.
Perfect Health
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am delighted to be in perfect health, for I always nurture my heart, body, mind and soul.
Pulse of Passion
Live life by heeding the constant pulse of passion that beats in your heart. It guides you in the direction of your true purpose, intensifies your desire to serve, and empowers you to express and experience all of who you are.
Gleam in the Eye
People with a gleam in their eye always seem to be surrounded by people they attract into their lives. It’s because they enthusiastically allow their light to shine for all to see. Do the same, and you’ll never be alone.
Can’t Do Everything
Perhaps it is true that you can’t do everything. But it is also true that you can do something. And each something you do is another unique expression of who you are. So keep on being, keep on doing, and keep on expressing.
Nice vs Real
It’s great to be nice, when you can, but don’t let that prevent you from being real. No matter what people might say, they usually value truth, honesty, authenticity and openness much more than niceness.
Past and Future
Past and future are illusions. The ego-mind exists only in the now, in the present moment. The soul, however, exists in the always, the forever. Remember this as you deepen your connection to who you really are.
Shadow Form of Attraction
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am aware that my resistance is a shadow form of attraction, so I release my resistance into the sweet flow of what I really desire.
Remove Masks
A virtual mask may provide a sense of protection from a hostile world, but it also inhibits your ability to see reality. Identify and remove it, for this same mask keeps you from experiencing yourself as you really are.