Latest Pearls

Peace, Creation, and Life

The ultimate expression of wide-spread unchecked ego-mind is war, destruction, and death. You need not participate—your true essence prefers a path of love. Soothe your ego-mind and choose to manifest peace, creation, and life.

Triggers and Reactions

Triggers and Reactions

Every emotional reaction you have emanates out of your inner beliefs and perspectives. There is no external cause for your reaction! Be willing to take responsibility and deal with your triggers and reactions on your own.

Units of Courage

Units of Courage

The greatest gift you can give is to embrace, experience and express all of who you are. The effort is measured in units of courage, passion, and persistence; the payoff is measured in units of authenticity, happiness and fulfillment.

To Love Truthfully

To Love Truthfully

To love truthfully, honestly and unabashedly means being willing to love even distasteful things. To do otherwise is to create resistance and invite suffering. Choose authentic, unconditional love and watch the world heal and blossom.

What is Missing

What is Missing

If you constantly focus on what is missing, life responds by taking away what you have. If instead you appreciate what you have—no matter how small—life responds by bringing more. Shift your perspective and increase your fulfillment.

Feelings of Shame

Feelings of Shame

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am grateful for occasional feelings of shame, for they remind me of imperfections that reconnect me to my compassion and my desire to evolve.

Infinite Variety

Infinite Variety

Life in its infinite variety is worthy of honor and celebration! But in your enthusiasm about life, don’t forget to honor and celebrate the magnificent wonder of who you are, for you too are a unique expression of life.

Cravings and Aversions

Cravings and Aversions

Cravings and aversions are reflections of an uncontrolled ego-mind. Acknowledge your thoughts, sensations, and emotions without attachment, and allow them to pass on their own. This is a pathway to serenity.

Don’t Freeze

Don’t Freeze

Don’t freeze in the face of fear. Instead, stand up to it, look it in the eye, understand why it is here, and accept its challenge to expand beyond your current limited assessment of yourself. This is called growth.

Awaiting a Sign

Awaiting a Sign

When awaiting a sign, avoid dismissing the mundane. Spirit may speak to you in the next song you hear, or the next fleeting fancy of a child, or the next stone across your path. Keep your eyes, ears, and heart open for the message.

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