Latest Pearls

Peace, Creation, and Life

The ultimate expression of wide-spread unchecked ego-mind is war, destruction, and death. You need not participate—your true essence prefers a path of love. Soothe your ego-mind and choose to manifest peace, creation, and life.

Call from the Universe

Call from the Universe

Inspiration is a direct call from the Universe to elevate to the next level. Don’t let it pass; act on it! Your heart and soul know what to do, so listen and follow instructions. Allow the next greatest version of yourself to emerge and blossom.

Look and Listen

Look and Listen

Some people look and listen all around without actually seeing or hearing much. That is a waste of energy! Choose to be awake and aware so that you can tune in completely with life and know the truth of who you are.

Full of Love and Joy

Full of Love and Joy

The best way to receive Love is to give it away! The more you offer others, the more flows back to you. Similarly, you can’t truly experience Joy unless you spread it around. To have a life full of Joy and Love, share both generously.

The Healing Smile

The Healing Smile

Never underestimate the healing power of your smile. Even if you need to fake it for a while, it will soften your heart, smooth your edges, and lighten your load. Can you imagine an easier way to improve your life?

Generous with Love

Generous with Love

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am generous with my love, and I release all attachment to any idea about how someone else should show up.

Desires of the Heart

Desires of the Heart

Beware desires that arise within the mind—they may be motivated by fear, especially perceptions of lack or insufficiency. Desires of the heart, however, are motivated by love and abundance, and can inspire you to show up fully.

Different Gifts

Different Gifts

When conditions irritate you, there are two immediate options: you can change the circumstances, or you can change your perspective. In either case, you move into a new situation with different gifts that will help you grow.

The Finish Line

The Finish Line

When you arrive at the finish line, what will matter will be how much and how well you loved. Meanwhile, until you get there, choose Love in every moment and practice loving as deeply and authentically as possible.

The Flower of Life

The Flower of Life

The Flower of Life is a recursive fractal that emanates out of the Sacred Geometry of the Universe. Its many representations are evidence of your unbreakable Oneness with All-That-Is. Always remember and cherish this connection.

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