Latest Pearls
Ruin or Heal?
To ruin a relationship, all you have to do is keep score, hold a grudge, and stay resentful. These practices are all products of a fearful ego-mind. To heal a relationship, develop compassion, and forgive every imagined wrongdoing.
Self-love is neither selfish nor narcissistic. Quite the opposite, as many enlightened masters have taught. Every act of true self-love is a compassionate form of healing that benefits all energy forms everywhere, so love yourself authentically.
Human Race
The phrase “human race” has one drawback: unconscious attention on the second word! Many people try to race through life, only to find themselves at the end with little to show for the effort. Perhaps it’s time to slow down and BE, Human!
Every Perspective Matters
Whoever shows up in your life provides you with a unique reflection, which helps you to see and experience yourself more clearly. No other person has the same perspective, and every perspective matters. Recognize and honor everyone as a true gift.
A Creative Engine
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am a creative engine that powers the universe; the universe responds by providing me with everything I need or desire.
To Want Control
It is common, and possibly normal, to want control over external circumstances. But in general, control is not possible. However, if you focus Love on your circles of connection and your spheres of influence, you can empower the world.
Opinion of Yourself
How you treat others reflects your opinion of yourself. If you judge yourself harshly, you cannot help but judge others likewise. Release your judgments, heal yourself and love yourself. Then you will take pride in what is reflected back to you.
Mutually Beneficial Energy
Compassion for another has an instantaneous karmic effect of reflecting love and compassion back to yourself. It is a mutually beneficial energy that has a healing ripple effect throughout the world and throughout the universe.
Nothing of Value
Resentment creates nothing of value. Instead, you unwittingly abdicate your sovereignty and give your power to the target of your resentment. Quiet your ego-mind; soften your heart; forgive. Marvel as your authentic power returns to you.