Latest Pearls
Grow Forward
To wish for youthfulness is a waste of energy. You are who you are, and you can do what you can do right now! Seeking what cannot be focuses your attention on lack. Choose instead what is or what can be, and grow forward.
Free, Blessed, Loving, Thankful
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am free in every choice, blessed in every experience, loving in every action, and thankful in every outcome.
Each Thought that Comes
If you ARE your mind, you experience yourself as the creator of your thoughts. But if you HAVE a mind, you simply observe thoughts appearing out of Cosmic Consciousness. Your choice determines your response to each thought that comes.
A Gift in Disguise
It is easy to see the potential in someone else. This is a gift in disguise, because you cannot see in someone else what does not exist within you! Let this be a recognition of your own potential, and rejoice in gratitude for the reminder.
Tenfold Returns
The Universe magnifies positive intentions: the more Love you share with others, the more Love you seem to have in your life. The same is true of Compassion and Forgiveness. Give it away freely, and watch it return to you tenfold.
Blessed by Your Offering
As you reflect on all of who you are, recognize the skills, qualities, and gifts you bring into the world. While others may possess some of these attributes, only you share them the way you do. The world is blessed by YOUR offering!
A Mental Maze
Suffering is like a mental maze with walls built from memories of victimization or persecution. It may seem like there is no escape, but when you forgive the perpetrators, the walls vaporize and your pathway to freedom reveals itself.
Gentle and Loving
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am gentle and loving with my ego, which is always doing its very best to keep me safe.
Unlimited Power
The most courageous thing you can do is believe in yourself. Your ego-mind will find reasons that you cannot do something or be a certain way. But the truth is that you have unlimited power at your disposal. Tap into it and shine!