Latest Pearls

Peace, Creation, and Life

The ultimate expression of wide-spread unchecked ego-mind is war, destruction, and death. You need not participate—your true essence prefers a path of love. Soothe your ego-mind and choose to manifest peace, creation, and life.

Appreciate its Worth

Appreciate its Worth

Life is neither hard nor easy; it simply is. Every experience reflects who you have chosen to be in that unique moment. Marvel at the outcome, even if it surprises you or displeases you. In the long run, you will appreciate its worth!

When I Notice

When I Notice

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am always gentle and loving with myself, especially when I notice self-judgments appearing in my mind.

Turn the Key

Turn the Key

When the world seems to be holding you back from life, remember this. Fear is your prison guard. Truth is your liberator. And Love is the internal power that enables you to turn the key and walk out the door.



Atonement is what happens when you notice your error, forgive yourself for the error, correct the error, and realign yourself with your integrity. It is an act of courageous self-love, a process of reconnecting to your pure spiritual essence.

Something New

Something New

When trying something new, don’t hold yourself back—open yourself to the new experience. Find your enthusiasm and reframe your fear as excitement. Give it everything you’ve got in the moment because the opportunity may never come again.

A Waste of Energy

A Waste of Energy

Regret is a waste of energy. You did what you did, based on your level of awareness and growth at the time. Reflect on the experience—without judgment—and learn from it. Make your future choices from a loving place of higher awareness.

The Song of Your Soul

The Song of Your Soul

When you listen to the song of your soul, you dance, you paint, you sculpt, you write, you dream, you create. These are intimate and unique expressions of your true nature, so listen to the song of your soul, and sing along with it!

The Only One

The Only One

Life Mastery Affirmation: I am grateful that I am the only one in the Universe who gets to be me.

Valuable Feedback

Valuable Feedback

If you approach your life as an ongoing adventure, you’ll quickly realize that every earthly experience provides valuable feedback about who you really are. The more open you are to new opportunities, the more you realize just how amazing you are.

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