Latest Pearls
A Recipe for Disaster
Beware a recipe for disaster: while moving forward in your physical life, you move backward in your spiritual life. Heed the counsel of your soul to know the truth of your situation. Pay close attention, and adjust your trajectory as necessary.
A Spiritual Mentor
When choosing a spiritual mentor, choose carefully. Avoid anyone who tells you what to do. A true mentor will always empower you to ask the right questions, find your own answers, and uncover and follow your own path.
Real Success
There is much confusion about success. We are taught to strive and achieve, with little concern for how we feel. Real success is not just a matter of accomplishments and trophies. What matters is how happy you are in the process.
Never Really Lost
You cannot find yourself, because you are never really lost. However, in the beguiling face of illusory worldly concerns, you may forget about your true nature. Quiet, subdue, and tame your ego-mind, and the memory will return on its own.
Gratefully Mindful
Life Mastery Affirmation: I am gratefully mindful that, no matter how unpleasant my situation may seem, I can always start over.
Stretch Beyond
The Comfort Zone is hazardous to your growth. It is a nice place to visit, a safe haven when you need to replenish and refresh. But don’t live there! If you want to grow, then stretch beyond and find your true leading edge.
How Big?
How big is your dream? Too small, and you won’t accomplish anything. Too big, and you’ll be overwhelmed and intimidated. But if it’s just right, it will be at least big enough for you to grow into the next version of yourself!
To Be Truly Free
To be truly free, begin by liberating yourself from the tyranny of your own ego-mind. This requires vigilance, attentiveness, discipline, and compassion. With consistent loving practice, your ego-mind will settle down and open the space for growth.
Sourced from Within
Satisfying worldly desires may bring pleasure, but only temporarily. Seeking happiness externally will always fail because happiness is your true nature and can only be sourced from within. Be mindful of this truth, and BE happy!